in Mt. Pleasant, SC

You don't have to sport bulky metal braces to get a straighter grin. Invisalign can give you the smile of your dreams without anyone even noticing.

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Why should I choose Invisalign?

Maybe you’re tired of feeling self-conscious about your smile. Or perhaps you're just looking for a more discreet way to straighten your teeth. If this sounds like you, Invisalign may be the perfect choice to get the smile you’ve always wanted.These aligners are made of durable plastic trays that gradually shift your teeth into your desired position. Because Invisalign aligners are clear and extremely thin, they’re virtually invisible. Plus, they’re comfortable and removable, so you can eat and brush your teeth without any hassle. Keep your normal routine and watch your teeth transform right before your eyes with Invisalign.

Did you know…

tooth icon

Invisalign aligners are made from a thermoplastic material that's BPA-free. Source:

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schedule your appointment?

Text or Call (843) 654-1373

Goodbye Goopy Impressions!

Creating your custom Invisalign trays has never been easier thanks to digital scanning. Say goodbye to goopy impression trays and hello to your best smile yet!

Trusted Care You Can Count On!

Dr. Paulisick is an Invisalign Certified Provider. You can rest assured that your smile will be getting the industry’s best expertise when you come to our practice.

Virtual Appointments

Busy lifestyle? We get it. We offer virtual appointments for patients who may have difficulty accessing in-person care. By connecting patients with their dentist through telecommunication technology, virtual appointments allow for progress evaluations, adjustments to treatment plans, and addressing concerns. While virtual appointments cannot replace all in-person appointments, they make treatment more accessible and efficient!

Gold + Provider

Our dentist has been a Gold+ Invisalign Certified Provider, a certification only a small percentage of dentists can claim after years of experience and number of cases completed. You can rest assured that your smile will be getting the industry’s best expertise when you come to our practice.

Align Valued Provider

Dr. Paulisick is a highly respected general dentist and was selected to serve on Align Technologies' valued provider board. As a member of this board, she brought her expertise and insights to help shape the company's strategic direction and improve its offerings for clear aligner therapy.

Dental Wellness Plan members receive a FREE whitening gift!
Feel Confident
Look Younger
Lasting Results

Reveal Your Best Smile!

Dr. Paulisick gives every Invisalign patient free whitening gel to use in their trays!

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The Benefits of Invisalign

They’re Removable

Easily take your aligners out to brush, floss, and eat your favorite foods.

Unparalleled Comfort

Invisalign aligners are made from a smooth, BPA-free plastic material that's gentle on your mouth.

Convenient Option

You can keep your normal routine, including your diet, without having to make any major changes.

The Invisalign Treatment Process

Initial Consultation & Exam

Before diving into treatment, you’ll have some time to discuss your smile goals with your doctor. They’ll also take a detailed look at your bite and smile to see if Invisalign is the right choice for you. Feel free to ask any questions you have about your smile, Invisalign, or other treatment options at this time.

Aligner Pick Up

After you’ve been approved to move forward with Invisalign, your doctor will take scans or impressions of your teeth to make sure your trays are a perfect fit. Once your aligners are ready to wear, you’ll stop by our office to pick them up and begin treatment. If necessary, your dentist may also add small attachments to your teeth to help keep your aligners in place.


While every treatment timeline is unique, you’ll most likely stop by our office every six weeks to pick up your next set of aligners. These check-ins are important — they ensure your treatment is on track and that your Invisalign trays are fitting properly.

Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

How are Invisalign trays made?

The first step involves taking scans of your teeth to create a digital model of your mouth. This model is then sent to Align Technologies, where the aligners are crafted using a computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) process. These tools allow for a hyper-precise set of aligners to be made just for you. When the aligners are fully crafted, they are shipped to your doctor to be fitted and delivered to you.

Can you see Invisalign when you’re wearing them?

Invisalign aligners are made out of clear, thin plastic, making them virtually invisible when worn. Each tray is custom-made to fit your gum line for a seamless finish. However, if you eat or drink with your aligners in, they could become stained, making them more noticeable.

What are Invisalign attachments?

Invisalign attachments, also known as buttons, are small, tooth-colored composite resin dots placed onto your teeth. When you slip your Invisalign aligners over your teeth, they snap over the button. This provides an anchor for your aligners to keep them firmly in place. It also allows your dentist to adjust the position of your teeth more precisely and more effectively throughout your Invisalign treatment.

Can I use my Invisalign trays as a nightguard?

We don’t recommend using Invisalign as a nightguard. The clear plastic trays are designed to gently shift your teeth. If you struggle with grinding and clenching your teeth at night, getting a night guard may be the best option for you. If you notice your aligners are becoming cracked or worn down after waking up, be sure to let your doctor know right away.

What if I crack my aligners?

If you lose your aligners or notice any cracks, damage, or wear and tear, don’t hesitate to reach out right away. Avoiding help could prolong your treatment and reverse the progress you have made. We’ll make sure you get a fresh new set of trays as soon as possible so you can carry on with your treatment plan.

How do I wear my aligners?

Most patients are asked to wear their Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day, but this timeline may vary based on your specific treatment needs. You’ll most likely only need to remove them to eat, drink, brush, and floss. Consistently wearing your aligners ensures you are getting the most out of your treatment and that your teeth are shifting as quickly as possible.

How do I care for my aligners?

Caring for Invisalign aligners is simple and straightforward. Gently clean your trays with a soft-bristled toothbrush and water to remove any food particles or plaque. When you remove your aligners to eat, brush, or floss, store them in their case to keep them free from bacteria and damage.

Does Invisalign hurt?

Invisalign is known to be more comfortable than traditional braces, but you may experience some tenderness and soreness as your teeth begin to shift. The gentle pressure applied by the Invisalign aligners prompts your tooth roots to shift, which then causes some minor inflammation and discomfort. If you’re in pain, we recommend taking Tylenol as opposed to ibuprofen, which has anti-inflammatory properties that can alter tooth movement.

Am I a good candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign may be the right solution for your smile, as long as you are free from severe oral health and orthodontic issues. If your dentist notices extensive orthodontic problems, metal or ceramic braces may be recommended. Want to find out which treatment option will best suit your needs? Reach out to our team to schedule a consultation today.

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